Friday, October 10, 2014

Äppelpaj de luxe with Kumoi..

My mom came to visit and brought a couple of slices of Kumoi cake, that she made on the day before, with her.

She has a Kumoi tree in her garden, that carries an unbelievable amount of fruit every year.

Kumoi is a chinese fruit, that tastes like a mix of pear and apple.
We had the experience, that Kumoi doesnt taste good as long as the fruit is not ripe yet, since the shell is really bitter.
When its ripe it tastes really good, very sweet and juicy. But then the fruit turns out not to be eatable very fast.

That means, that my parents have to eat, give away or process the Kumoi fruit as soon as its ripe.

You can process the fruit just like an apple, so it is a great ingredient if you bake a cake.

My mom found a recipe for a äppelpaj de luxe (apple cake de luxe) and of course had to try the recipe.
And indeed, everything is in there what an apple/Kumoi cake needs and it tastes good!!

Actually you have to enjoy every Swedish äppelpaj with vanilla sauce!
But the slices that my mom brought with her were gone so fast, that no one thought about that.
I added a recipe for a testy vanilla sauce for everyone, who wants to make it right.

Äppelpaj de luxe

Short Crust:
4.2 oz butter, room temperature
6.3 oz flour
2.1 oz powder sugar
1 egg yolk

Mazarin Filling:
6.7 oz almond mass
1 teaspoon cardamom, ground
2.8 oz butter, room temperature
1 egg
3 egg yolk

Apple/Kumoi Filling:
4 apples or Kumoi
1 teaspoon cardamom, ground
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1.7 oz almond, planed
1.7 oz fluid honey
1.4 oz raw cane sugar

Oat Crumble:
1.7 oz sugar
3.2 oz flour
0.7 oz oats
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2.1 oz butter, room temperature

Vanilla Sauce:
8 egg yolk
6.3 oz sugar
1 vanilla stick
1.3 Ibs whip cream
5.3 oz milk
1.2 oz butter

1.     Preheat the oven at 347F.

2.     For the short crust put all ingredients into a bowl, and stir until the dough is well mixed. You can use your hands too.

3.     Fill the dough into a cake form with 8.7 and spread with hands and press down, so the dough is approx. 0.1 thick. The dough should cover the bottom and the sides up to the edge of the cake form. Then let the dough cool in fridge.

4.     For the mazarin filling rip the almond mass into little pieces and mix it with the ground cardamom in a bowl. Add butter little by little.

5.     Stir the egg and the egg yolk little by little into the almond mix until it is a smooth mass.
6.     For the apple/Kumoi filling peel, core and cut the fruit into squares or slices.

7.     Mix the apples/Kumoi with all the other ingredients.

8.     For the oat crumble mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add butter and knead with fingers, so a crumbled dough forms.

9.     For the vanilla sauce mix egg yolk and sugar in a bowl.

10.     Cut vanilla stick in half and scrape out the vanilla seeds. Put the stick and the seeds in a pot.

11.     Add whip creme and milk into the pot and bring to boil.

12.     Take the vanilla stick out of the milk and pour the milk into the bowl with the egg-sugar mix, stir very well so the egg wont curdle.

13.     Then put vanilla cream back into the pot and bring lightly to boil, in the process stir the whole time, until the creme becomes thicker.

14.     Take the pot from the stove and add the butter.

15.     Let vanilla cream cool down.

16.     Take the short crust out of the fridge.

17.     Spread evenly first the mazarin filling on the dough and then the apple filling. Top with the oat crumbles.

18.  Bake the cake at 347F for approx. 35-40min.

19.  Let the cake cool down a little and pour vanilla sauce on it.


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